Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Kid gets fishhook in eye! OUCH!

The Coast Gaurd's emergency operation to free a fishhook from a teenagers's eyebrow is caught on tape.
Two teenage boys were fishing in Lake St. Clair when they caught a walleye.
According to the boys, they tried weighing the fish with the hook in its mouth. The fish flopped off the scale and dislodged the hook from its mouth and the hook flung back and pierced Mike Kouskoulas in the right eyebrow.

“I was a little scared, but I didn’t know if he was telling the truth or not at first, I thought he was joking, but after I saw the severity of the injury, it was a little scared,” said friend, Harrison Steinburg.
Steinburg flagged down the Coast Guards and they attempted to dislodge the hook.
“For a second there, like I almost fainted and everything. You can ask Tim, he was like gripping my arm, and he was holding me. It was pretty scary there for a second, said Kouskoulas.”
His friend caught the emergency Coast Guard operation on his handheld camera and posted it to for thousands of viewers to witness their dramatic night.

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